Toys & Plush

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Harley-Davidson® Plush Toys for the Little Ones - Hogs, Dogs, Cats, and Everyone's Favorite, Teddy Bears

Even if they’re toys, professionals tell us that they can be profoundly personal and important to the development of babies and toddlers. If you think about it, next to Mom or Dad, what could be more personal for a baby than a toy they hug, play, sleep with, and go to for comfort? As a gift, you can’t miss. It's also well known that play time is invaluable in the development of cognitive processes. Recognizing shapes and things from books and toys is essential, not to mention the social interaction when playtime includes siblings or friends. And playing with his or hers favorite cuddle bear - yes, that counts, too.

Harley-Davidson® and SGI® joined together in recent years to develop and brand a line of Harley-Davidson® toys for kids that are both fun and meaningful. The children will love the feel, touch, and especially the childhood memories these toys bring. Baby’s first pet might be from the canine family - perhaps a plush Rottweiler, or a Retriever. Everyone’s favorite is the Teddy Bear, of course. All of these are soft, plush, and cuddly.

If you don't see your size in the item you want, check back often. The supply chain has been somewhat disrupted due to COVID. Soon, all this will be over.

For generating those fond, first memories for your little one, keep Wisconsin Harley-Davidson® on a short leash.

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