Heated Gear

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    California Heat 7V ActivFlexx Waterproof Heated Stretchy Gloves - Black - Wisconsin Harley-Davidson

    California Heat 7V ActivFlexx Waterproof Heated Stretchy Gloves - Black

    Sale $109.95
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  • Harley-Davidson Replacement One-Touch Program 12V Garment Receiver 98399-16VR - Wisconsin Harley-Davidson

    Harley-Davidson® Replacement One-Touch Program 12V Garment Receiver 98399-16VR

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Harley-Davidson® Heated Gear – Stretch Your Riding Season Until the Snow Flies

It's all about physics - in the absence of Heat, you get just "Cold." Unfortunately, that is the natural state of the universe. If the sun is not enough, you have to do something - either add energy to get heat, or preserve the heat you have. Wisconsin Harley-Davidson’s® has the answer: Heated Gear. Because we live in Wisconsin, we know a thing or two about motorcycling in cold and wet weather during the transition time-periods of fall to winter, and from winter to spring. It can be brutal. Layering against the cold is good (preserving heat), but it can only go so far. After you have three layers, things tend to get a bit bulky. With the energy from heated gear, you can extend your riding season by weeks, if not months. Ride late into the fall, and start riding in early spring with heated gear.

With our Harley-Davidson® electric heated gear, there is no need to excessively bulk-up. We have you covered, from your shoulders to the tips of your toes. Check out the charging units, heated gloves, new and replacement battery harnesses, heated pant liners, jackets, and boot/sock liners. We even have motorcycle grip heater kits. All of the gear shown here is powered by your bike's electrical system or with rechargeable batteries.

For those of us living up north, staying on the bike is what it’s all about. And, being Wisconsinites, we know we know how to do it at WisconsinHarley.com. We also know not to push it. Stay off the ice, please. 

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