1903 Collection

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Harley-Davidson 1903 Collection

Harley-Davidson® 1903 Limited Edition Collection – Throwback Threads Lead the Way

If you're going to make a fashion statement, make it timeless with vintage inspired clothing pulled from a legacy of more than 100 years. It’s no wonder phrases like “back in the good old days” are so popular. They conjure up warm, nostalgic feelings from years past. That's the magic of nostalgia. As motorcycle enthusiasts those feelings sweep over us whenever we see the year 1903, the year that William Harley and Arthur Davidson made their first motorcycle. It wasn't too long afterward that Harley’s® famous Trade Mark® logo was commonly seen in motorcycle shops across the USA.

Some years later, logos began to appear on clothing items. So today, we treasure those memories with the Harley-Davidson® 1903 Collection - inspired by vintage designs in order to take us back to those early years. True styles for true originals. Every stitch of this vintage-inspired collection embodies quality and craftsmanship. 

It’s not only the vintage logos we love. We also love the design and feel of these items because they take us back to those good old days. While this clothing collection rediscovers the timeless clothing and riding gear designs of yesteryear, they also have modern technical updates to allow for modern day comfort with style. Check out the sweatshirts, shirts, jackets, and vests - all brand new and designed to look like you've worn it for years - Vintage inspiration pulled from more than a century of heritage into the present.

Enjoy the ride with a vintage look. Shop WisconsinHarley.com, where you really can go back in time!

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