Time Marches On

Time Marches On

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Aug 18th 2024

There are seminal events in life which mark the passage of Father Time. Such as the first frost of fall, the first snowfall of winter, then Christmas, then spring showers and flowers, and before you can blink, summer has returned. Of particular interest to bikers, especially those of us living in northern latitudes, are the first safe riding days of spring. And for everyone, the Sturgis Rally.

Earlier this month, Harley riders and their mounts started converging into Sturgis and the Black Hills. The crescendo of thousands of motorcycles mounting up into the Hills had the thrilling sound of thunder, and on occasion actually harmonized with Zeus’ thunder and lightning bolts. A wheel to wheel stream of bikes ran down the freeway, up to Deadwood, and through the hills and valleys to Hill City, Belle Fourche, Devils Tower, Custer, Mt. Rushmore, Rapid City, Wall, and the Badlands.

And then, in another blink of an eye, they were gone. It was a sad moment of intense quiet. As Roy Orbison sang, “It’s Over.” Reports say the turnout was great, slightly more than last year. Locals say that next year, which marks the 85th Anniversary of the Rally, will be even bigger. But for now, it’s quiet. You’ve gone home.

Fortunately, there are more riding days and weeks to come. But, alas, the autumn equinox is approaching. After that, for those of us living in northern latitudes there is no certitude that riding will be safe on any given day. Father Time is slowly moving towards winter.

So, let’s ride while there’s still time. Here’s a sneak peek of what awaits us these next few months. It’s up to you to go and discover what’s out there.

Ride safe, and remember to wear your helmet!