Biker Blog

Footwear Sale - Just in time for the Fall Riding Season

Footwear Sale - Just in time for the Fall Riding Season

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Aug 22nd 2024

Wisconsin Harley is having a boot sale. When you need it the most, Wisconsin Harley-Davidson shows up in your in-box. With fall and winter ahead, everyone needs to get ready. If you are looking to sav … read more
Time Marches On

Time Marches On

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Aug 18th 2024

There are seminal events in life which mark the passage of Father Time. Such as the first frost of fall, the first snowfall of winter, then Christmas, then spring showers and flowers, and before y … read more
Sturgis 2024 Deals

Sturgis 2024 Deals

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Jul 30th 2024

You don't need to read about it to know that the Sturgis Rally is here - if you live here you can hear it. The bikes are rolling throughout town and all over the Black Hills. Local news outlets say … read more
The Great American Convoy

The Great American Convoy

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Jul 17th 2024

Harley-Davidson® recently sent out an email referencing their "H-D® Military & Veterans Programs.” I have borrowed a lot of it here in honor of our Wisconsin Harley-Davidson US Military veteran cust … read more
Hot Summer Savings

Hot Summer Savings

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Jul 10th 2024

Boy oh boy. "Hot Summer Savings." You can say that again! I don't think anyone would dispute that it is hot - everywhere. So it seems we have some "savings" that are hot, too.  I see there are de … read more
Summer Riding Locations

Summer Riding Locations

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Jun 18th 2024

Now that the summer solstice is upon us, if you’re looking for some great motorcycle rides, here is a short list of the most popular, according to the sources I used. This list is just a starting po … read more
Father's Day - Act Now. The Countdown has begun.

Father's Day - Act Now. The Countdown has begun.

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Jun 7th 2024

Father's Day is coming, and the below flyer is has deals that are just too good to pass up.     … read more
Happy Father's Day - June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day - June 16, 2024

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on May 21st 2024

Yes, Virginia, there is also a day set aside for Father's.  Father's Day is fast approaching, and the grown-ups at Wisconsin Harley-Davidson have planned ahead with some cool discounts and a … read more
It's Time to Ride - Summer 2024

It's Time to Ride - Summer 2024

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on May 15th 2024

Mother’s Day is a cherished event which has now passed. The week following Mother’s Day is the no-holds barred, absolute beginning of the riding season. Yes, it’s time to get out and go. Ride to wo … read more
Summer means, "It's traveling time!"

Summer means, "It's traveling time!"

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Mar 12th 2024

The Spring Equinox is upon us. It won’t be long until the hours of daylight overtakes the hours of darkness. Another way of describe it – it’s time to travel, and what’s the best way to get there? Y … read more